You’re about to launch 7-days free trial

Trial can be activated inside our Chrome Extension, so you need to:

1. Install our extension from Chrome Extensions Webstore.

2. After TradingConnector Chrome Extension is installed, click its icon to open popup.

3. In the popup click on first black “PayPal subscribe” button and follow the instructions. You need to be Signed-In to Chrome to launch and use TradingConnector. TradingConnector uses PayPal as licensing gateway, so account/trial initialisation must go through PayPal forms. If you select “Monthly” plan (first black button), you will not pay anything for the first 7 days.

4. Proceed with the setup of other 2 components, following steps on the INSTALL page.

If you cannot activate trial or subscription via PayPal, please SEND US AN EMAIL - we’ll help.

Or chat with us via livechat by clicking green icon in bottom-right corner of the screen.