Start 7-days free trial: step 2 of 2
Thank you for your interest in using TradingConnector.
Your 7-days trial has not been started yet. To effectively initialise 7-days trial, you need to launch it from inside TradingConnector.EXE, the main (but not only) component of TradingConnector tool.
TradingConnector uses PayPal as a licensing server. Therefore you need to go through PayPal checkout pages (after clicking one of the 2 buttons below), regardless if you intend to pay via PayPal account or credit card without PayPal account after free 7 days.
You must be logged to TradingConnector.EXE with Google Login - your email will be used as user ID while using TradingConnector.
If you cannot activate trial via PayPal, please SEND US AN EMAIL - we’ll help.
You can cancel TradingConnector any time you want in your PayPal account panel or by sending us cancellation email to: If you cancel before 7 days period ends, you will not be charged at all.